Regular Expression Cheat Sheet

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  1. Regular Expression Cheat Sheet Mit
  2. Regular Expression Cheat Sheet R
The tables below are a reference to basic regex. While reading the rest of the site, when in doubt, you can always come back and look here. (It you want a bookmark, here's a direct link to the regex reference tables). I encourage you to print the tables so you have a cheat sheet on your desk for quick reference.

Regex Cheat Sheet tries to provide a basic reference for beginner and advanced developers, lower the entry barrier for newcomers, and help veterans refresh the old tricks. A regular expression (shortened as regex or regexp; also referred to as rational expression) is. Regular Expressions (Regex) Character Classes Cheat Sheet. Character Class. :alpha: Any letter, A-Za-z :upper: Any uppercase letter, A-Z :lower: Any lowercase letter, a-z. Regular Expression Flags; i: Ignore case: m ^ and $ match start and end of line: s. Matches newline as well: x: Allow spaces and comments: J: Duplicate group names allowed: U: Ungreedy quantifiers (?iLmsux) Set flags within regex. Quick-Start: Regex Cheat Sheet. The tables below are a reference to basic regex. While reading the rest of the site, when in doubt, you can always come back and look here. (It you want a bookmark, here's a direct link to the regex reference tables ). I encourage you to print the tables so you have a cheat sheet on your desk for quick reference.

The tables are not exhaustive, for two reasons. First, every regex flavor is different, and I didn't want to crowd the page with overly exotic syntax. For a full reference to the particular regex flavors you'll be using, it's always best to go straight to the source. In fact, for some regex engines (such as Perl, PCRE, Java and .NET) you may want to check once a year, as their creators often introduce new features.
The other reason the tables are not exhaustive is that I wanted them to serve as a quick introduction to regex. If you are a complete beginner, you should get a firm grasp of basic regex syntax just by reading the examples in the tables. I tried to introduce features in a logical order and to keep out oddities that I've never seen in actual use, such as the 'bell character'. With these tables as a jumping board, you will be able to advance to mastery by exploring the other pages on the site.

How to use the tables

The tables are meant to serve as an accelerated regex course, and they are meant to be read slowly, one line at a time. On each line, in the leftmost column, you will find a new element of regex syntax. The next column, 'Legend', explains what the element means (or encodes) in the regex syntax. The next two columns work hand in hand: the 'Example' column gives a valid regular expression that uses the element, and the 'Sample Match' column presents a text string that could be matched by the regular expression.
You can read the tables online, of course, but if you suffer from even the mildest case of online-ADD (attention deficit disorder), like most of us… Well then, I highly recommend you print them out. You'll be able to study them slowly, and to use them as a cheat sheet later, when you are reading the rest of the site or experimenting with your own regular expressions.
If you overdose, make sure not to miss the next page, which comes back down to Earth and talks about some really cool stuff: The 1001 ways to use Regex.

Regex Accelerated Course and Cheat Sheet

For easy navigation, here are some jumping points to various sections of the page:
✽ Characters
✽ Quantifiers
✽ More Characters
✽ Logic
✽ More White-Space
✽ More Quantifiers
✽ Character Classes
✽ Anchors and Boundaries
✽ POSIX Classes
✽ Inline Modifiers
✽ Lookarounds
✽ Character Class Operations
✽ Other Syntax
(direct link)


CharacterLegendExampleSample Match
dMost engines: one digit
from 0 to 9
d.NET, Python 3: one Unicode digit in any scriptfile_ddfile_9੩
wMost engines: 'word character': ASCII letter, digit or underscorew-wwwA-b_1
w.Python 3: 'word character': Unicode letter, ideogram, digit, or underscorew-www字-ま_۳
w.NET: 'word character': Unicode letter, ideogram, digit, or connectorw-www字-ま‿۳
sMost engines: 'whitespace character': space, tab, newline, carriage return, vertical tabasbsca b
s.NET, Python 3, JavaScript: 'whitespace character': any Unicode separatorasbsca b
DOne character that is not a digit as defined by your engine's dDDDABC
WOne character that is not a word character as defined by your engine's wWWWWW*-+=)
SOne character that is not a whitespace character as defined by your engine's sSSSSYoyo

(direct link)


QuantifierLegendExampleSample Match
+One or moreVersion w-w+Version A-b1_1
{3}Exactly three timesD{3}ABC
{2,4}Two to four timesd{2,4}156
{3,}Three or more timesw{3,}regex_tutorial
*Zero or more timesA*B*C*AAACC
?Once or noneplurals?plural

(direct link)

More Characters

CharacterLegendExampleSample Match
.Any character except line breaka.cabc
.Any character except line break.*whatever, man.
.A period (special character: needs to be escaped by a )
Escapes a special character.*+? $^/.*+? $^/
Escapes a special character[{()}][{()}]

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LogicLegendExampleSample Match
| Alternation / OR operand22|3333
( … )Capturing groupA(nt|pple)Apple (captures 'pple')
1Contents of Group 1r(w)g1xregex
2Contents of Group 2(dd)+(dd)=2+112+65=65+12
(?: … )Non-capturing groupA(?:nt|pple)Apple

(direct link)

More White-Space

CharacterLegendExampleSample Match
tTabTtw{2}T ab
rCarriage return charactersee below
nLine feed charactersee below
rnLine separator on WindowsABrnCDAB
NPerl, PCRE (C, PHP, R…): one character that is not a line breakN+ABC
hPerl, PCRE (C, PHP, R…), Java: one horizontal whitespace character: tab or Unicode space separator
HOne character that is not a horizontal whitespace
v.NET, JavaScript, Python, Ruby: vertical tab
vPerl, PCRE (C, PHP, R…), Java: one vertical whitespace character: line feed, carriage return, vertical tab, form feed, paragraph or line separator
VPerl, PCRE (C, PHP, R…), Java: any character that is not a vertical whitespace
RPerl, PCRE (C, PHP, R…), Java: one line break (carriage return + line feed pair, and all the characters matched by v)

(direct link)

More Quantifiers

QuantifierLegendExampleSample Match
+The + (one or more) is 'greedy'd+12345
?Makes quantifiers 'lazy'd+?1 in 12345
*The * (zero or more) is 'greedy'A*AAA
?Makes quantifiers 'lazy'A*?empty in AAA
{2,4}Two to four times, 'greedy'w{2,4}abcd
?Makes quantifiers 'lazy'w{2,4}?ab in abcd

(direct link)

Character Classes

CharacterLegendExampleSample Match
[ … ]One of the characters in the brackets[AEIOU]One uppercase vowel
[ … ]One of the characters in the bracketsT[ao]pTap or Top
-Range indicator[a-z]One lowercase letter
[x-y]One of the characters in the range from x to y[A-Z]+GREAT
[ … ]One of the characters in the brackets[AB1-5w-z]One of either: A,B,1,2,3,4,5,w,x,y,z
[x-y]One of the characters in the range from x to y[ -~]+Characters in the printable section of the ASCII table.
[^x]One character that is not x[^a-z]{3}A1!
[^x-y]One of the characters not in the range from x to y[^ -~]+Characters that are not in the printable section of the ASCII table.
[dD]One character that is a digit or a non-digit[dD]+Any characters, inc-
luding new lines, which the regular dot doesn't match
[x41]Matches the character at hexadecimal position 41 in the ASCII table, i.e. A[x41-x45]{3}ABE

(direct link)

Anchors and Boundaries

AnchorLegendExampleSample Match
^Start of string or start of line depending on multiline mode. (But when [^inside brackets], it means 'not')^abc .*abc (line start)
$End of string or end of line depending on multiline mode. Many engine-dependent subtleties..*? the end$this is the end
ABeginning of string
(all major engines except JS)
Aabc[dD]*abc (string...
zVery end of the string
Not available in Python and JS
the endzthis is...n...the end
ZEnd of string or (except Python) before final line break
Not available in JS
the endZthis is...n...the endn
GBeginning of String or End of Previous Match
.NET, Java, PCRE (C, PHP, R…), Perl, Ruby
bWord boundary
Most engines: position where one side only is an ASCII letter, digit or underscore
Bob.*bcatbBob ate the cat
bWord boundary
.NET, Java, Python 3, Ruby: position where one side only is a Unicode letter, digit or underscore
Bob.*bкошкаbBob ate the кошка
BNot a word boundaryc.*BcatB.*copycats

(direct link)

POSIX Classes

CharacterLegendExampleSample Match
[:alpha:]PCRE (C, PHP, R…): ASCII letters A-Z and a-z[8[:alpha:]]+WellDone88
[:alpha:]Ruby 2: Unicode letter or ideogram[[:alpha:]d]+кошка99
[:alnum:]PCRE (C, PHP, R…): ASCII digits and letters A-Z and a-z[[:alnum:]]{10}ABCDE12345
[:alnum:]Ruby 2: Unicode digit, letter or ideogram[[:alnum:]]{10}кошка90210
[:punct:]PCRE (C, PHP, R…): ASCII punctuation mark[[:punct:]]+?!.,:;
[:punct:]Ruby: Unicode punctuation mark[[:punct:]]+‽,:〽⁆

Regular Expression Cheat Sheet
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Inline Modifiers

None of these are supported in JavaScript. In Ruby, beware of (?s) and (?m).
ModifierLegendExampleSample Match
(?i)Case-insensitive mode
(except JavaScript)
(?s)DOTALL mode (except JS and Ruby). The dot (.) matches new line characters (rn). Also known as 'single-line mode' because the dot treats the entire input as a single line(?s)From A.*to ZFrom A
to Z
(?m)Multiline mode
(except Ruby and JS) ^ and $ match at the beginning and end of every line
(?m)In Ruby: the same as (?s) in other engines, i.e. DOTALL mode, i.e. dot matches line breaks(?m)From A.*to ZFrom A
to Z
(?x)Free-Spacing Mode mode
(except JavaScript). Also known as comment mode or whitespace mode
(?x) # this is a
# comment
abc # write on multiple
# lines
[ ]d # spaces must be
# in brackets
abc d
(?n).NET, PCRE 10.30+: named capture onlyTurns all (parentheses) into non-capture groups. To capture, use named groups.
(?d)Java: Unix linebreaks onlyThe dot and the ^ and $ anchors are only affected by n
(?^)PCRE 10.32+: unset modifiersUnsets ismnx modifiers

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LookaroundLegendExampleSample Match
(?=…)Positive lookahead(?=d{10})d{5}01234 in 0123456789
(?<=…)Positive lookbehind(?<=d)catcat in 1cat
(?!…)Negative lookahead(?!theatre)thew+theme
(?Negative lookbehindw{3}(?Munster

(direct link)

Character Class Operations

Class OperationLegendExampleSample Match
[…-[…]].NET: character class subtraction. One character that is in those on the left, but not in the subtracted class.[a-z-[aeiou]]Any lowercase consonant
[…-[…]].NET: character class subtraction.[p{IsArabic}-[D]]An Arabic character that is not a non-digit, i.e., an Arabic digit
[…&&[…]]Java, Ruby 2+: character class intersection. One character that is both in those on the left and in the && class.[S&&[D]]An non-whitespace character that is a non-digit.
[…&&[…]]Java, Ruby 2+: character class intersection.[S&&[D]&&[^a-zA-Z]]An non-whitespace character that a non-digit and not a letter.
[…&&[^…]]Java, Ruby 2+: character class subtraction is obtained by intersecting a class with a negated class[a-z&&[^aeiou]]An English lowercase letter that is not a vowel.
[…&&[^…]]Java, Ruby 2+: character class subtraction[p{InArabic}&&[^p{L}p{N}]]An Arabic character that is not a letter or a number

(direct link)

Other Syntax

SyntaxLegendExampleSample Match
KKeep Out
Perl, PCRE (C, PHP, R…), Python's alternate regex engine, Ruby 2+: drop everything that was matched so far from the overall match to be returned
Q…EPerl, PCRE (C, PHP, R…), Java: treat anything between the delimiters as a literal string. Useful to escape metacharacters.Q(C++ ?)E(C++ ?)

Don't Miss The Regex Style Guide
and The Best Regex Trick Ever!!!

The 1001 ways to use Regex

1-10 of 17 Threads
Subject: Very thoughtful and useful cheat sheet

Unlike lots of other cheat sheets or regex web sites, I was able (without much persistent regex knowledge) to apply the rules and to solve my problem. THANK YOU :)
Subject: Thanks a lot

Thanks a lot for the quick guide. It's really helpful.
Subject: Very useful site

Thank you soooooo much for this site. I'm using python regex for natural language processing in sentiment analysis and this helped me a lot.
Subject: Thank you! Excellent resource for any student

Thank you so much for this incredible cheatsheet! It is facilitating a lot my regex learning! God bless you and your passion!
Subject: Thank you for doing such a geat work.

I am now learning regex and for finding such a well organized site is a blessing! You are a good soul! Thank you for everything and stay inspired!
Subject: Simple = perfect

Subject: Congratulations

Well done, very useful page. Thank you for your effort. T
Subject: Thank you very much

Hi Rex,
Thankyou very much for compiling these. I am new to text analytics and is struggling a lot with regex. This is helping me a lot pick up. Great work
Subject: Nice summary

Nice summary of regex. I was trying to remember how to group and I found the example above. Thanks.
Subject: Best Regex site ever

This is the best regex site ever on the internet. Regular Expressions are like any other language, they require time and effort to learn. RexEgg makes it an easy journey. Great work Author. Kudos to you.

Regular Expression Cheat Sheet Mit

Regular expressions are a very useful tool for developers. They allow to find, identify or replace a word, character or any kind of string. This tutorial will teach you how to master PHP regexp and show you extremely useful, ready-to-use PHP regular expressions that any web developer should have in his toolkit.

Getting Started With Regular Expressions

Regular Expression Cheat Sheet R

For many beginners, regular expressions seem to be hard to learn and use. In fact, they're far less hard than you may think. Before we dive deep inside regexp with useful and reusable codes, let's quickly see the basics of PCRE regex patterns:

Regular Expressions Syntax

Regular expression cheat sheet pdf

A regular expression (regex or regexp for short) is a special text string for describing a search pattern. A regex pattern matches a target string. The following table describes most common regex:

Regular ExpressionWill match…
fooThe string 'foo'
^foo'foo' at the start of a string
foo$'foo' at the end of a string
^foo$'foo' when it is alone on a string
[abc]a, b, or c
[a-z]Any lowercase letter
[^A-Z]Any character that is not a uppercase letter
(gif|jpg)Matches either 'gif' or 'jpg'
[a-z]+One or more lowercase letters
[0-9.-]Any number, dot, or minus sign
^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,}$Any word of at least one letter, number or _
([wx])([yz])wy, wz, xy, or xz
[^A-Za-z0-9]Any symbol (not a number or a letter)
([A-Z]{3}|[0-9]{4})Matches three letters or four numbers

PHP Regular Expression Functions

PHP has many useful functions to work with regular expressions. Here is a quick cheat sheet of the main PHP regex functions. Remember that all of them are case sensitive.

For more information about the native functions for PHP regular expressions, have a look at the manual.

preg_match()The preg_match() function searches string for pattern, returning true if pattern exists, and false otherwise.
preg_match_all()The preg_match_all() function matches all occurrences of pattern in string. Useful for search and replace.
preg_replace()The preg_replace() function operates just like ereg_replace(), except that regular expressions can be used in the pattern and replacement input parameters.
preg_split()Preg Split (preg_split()) operates exactly like the split() function, except that regular expressions are accepted as input parameters.
preg_grep()The preg_grep() function searches all elements of input_array, returning all elements matching the regex pattern within a string.
preg_ quote()Quote regular expression characters

Validate a Domain Name

Case sensitive regex to verify if a string is a valid domain name. This is very useful when validating web forms.

» Source

Enlight a Word From a Text

This very useful regular expression will find a specific word in a string and enlight it. Extremely useful for search results. Remember that it's case sensitive.

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Enlight Search Results in Your WordPress Blog

The previous code snippet can be very handy when it comes to displaying search results. If your website is powered by WordPress, here is a more specific snippet that will search and replace a text by the same text within an HTML tag that you can style later, using CSS.

Open your search.php file and find the the_title() function. Replace it with the following:

Now, just before the modified line, add this code:

Save the search.php file and open style.css. Append the following line to it:

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Get All Images From a HTML Document

If you ever wanted to be able to get all images form a webpage, this code is a must have for you. You should easily create an image downloader using the power of cURL.

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Remove Repeated Words (Case Insensitive)

Often repeating words while typing? This handy case insensitive PCRE regex will be very helpful.

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Remove Repeated Punctuation

Same php regex as above, but this one will look for repeated punctuation within a string. Goodbye multiple commas!

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Match a XML/HTML Tag

Regular Expression Cheat Sheet
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Inline Modifiers

None of these are supported in JavaScript. In Ruby, beware of (?s) and (?m).
ModifierLegendExampleSample Match
(?i)Case-insensitive mode
(except JavaScript)
(?s)DOTALL mode (except JS and Ruby). The dot (.) matches new line characters (rn). Also known as 'single-line mode' because the dot treats the entire input as a single line(?s)From A.*to ZFrom A
to Z
(?m)Multiline mode
(except Ruby and JS) ^ and $ match at the beginning and end of every line
(?m)In Ruby: the same as (?s) in other engines, i.e. DOTALL mode, i.e. dot matches line breaks(?m)From A.*to ZFrom A
to Z
(?x)Free-Spacing Mode mode
(except JavaScript). Also known as comment mode or whitespace mode
(?x) # this is a
# comment
abc # write on multiple
# lines
[ ]d # spaces must be
# in brackets
abc d
(?n).NET, PCRE 10.30+: named capture onlyTurns all (parentheses) into non-capture groups. To capture, use named groups.
(?d)Java: Unix linebreaks onlyThe dot and the ^ and $ anchors are only affected by n
(?^)PCRE 10.32+: unset modifiersUnsets ismnx modifiers

(direct link)


LookaroundLegendExampleSample Match
(?=…)Positive lookahead(?=d{10})d{5}01234 in 0123456789
(?<=…)Positive lookbehind(?<=d)catcat in 1cat
(?!…)Negative lookahead(?!theatre)thew+theme
(?Negative lookbehindw{3}(?Munster

(direct link)

Character Class Operations

Class OperationLegendExampleSample Match
[…-[…]].NET: character class subtraction. One character that is in those on the left, but not in the subtracted class.[a-z-[aeiou]]Any lowercase consonant
[…-[…]].NET: character class subtraction.[p{IsArabic}-[D]]An Arabic character that is not a non-digit, i.e., an Arabic digit
[…&&[…]]Java, Ruby 2+: character class intersection. One character that is both in those on the left and in the && class.[S&&[D]]An non-whitespace character that is a non-digit.
[…&&[…]]Java, Ruby 2+: character class intersection.[S&&[D]&&[^a-zA-Z]]An non-whitespace character that a non-digit and not a letter.
[…&&[^…]]Java, Ruby 2+: character class subtraction is obtained by intersecting a class with a negated class[a-z&&[^aeiou]]An English lowercase letter that is not a vowel.
[…&&[^…]]Java, Ruby 2+: character class subtraction[p{InArabic}&&[^p{L}p{N}]]An Arabic character that is not a letter or a number

(direct link)

Other Syntax

SyntaxLegendExampleSample Match
KKeep Out
Perl, PCRE (C, PHP, R…), Python's alternate regex engine, Ruby 2+: drop everything that was matched so far from the overall match to be returned
Q…EPerl, PCRE (C, PHP, R…), Java: treat anything between the delimiters as a literal string. Useful to escape metacharacters.Q(C++ ?)E(C++ ?)

Don't Miss The Regex Style Guide
and The Best Regex Trick Ever!!!

The 1001 ways to use Regex

1-10 of 17 Threads
Subject: Very thoughtful and useful cheat sheet

Unlike lots of other cheat sheets or regex web sites, I was able (without much persistent regex knowledge) to apply the rules and to solve my problem. THANK YOU :)
Subject: Thanks a lot

Thanks a lot for the quick guide. It's really helpful.
Subject: Very useful site

Thank you soooooo much for this site. I'm using python regex for natural language processing in sentiment analysis and this helped me a lot.
Subject: Thank you! Excellent resource for any student

Thank you so much for this incredible cheatsheet! It is facilitating a lot my regex learning! God bless you and your passion!
Subject: Thank you for doing such a geat work.

I am now learning regex and for finding such a well organized site is a blessing! You are a good soul! Thank you for everything and stay inspired!
Subject: Simple = perfect

Subject: Congratulations

Well done, very useful page. Thank you for your effort. T
Subject: Thank you very much

Hi Rex,
Thankyou very much for compiling these. I am new to text analytics and is struggling a lot with regex. This is helping me a lot pick up. Great work
Subject: Nice summary

Nice summary of regex. I was trying to remember how to group and I found the example above. Thanks.
Subject: Best Regex site ever

This is the best regex site ever on the internet. Regular Expressions are like any other language, they require time and effort to learn. RexEgg makes it an easy journey. Great work Author. Kudos to you.

Regular Expression Cheat Sheet Mit

Regular expressions are a very useful tool for developers. They allow to find, identify or replace a word, character or any kind of string. This tutorial will teach you how to master PHP regexp and show you extremely useful, ready-to-use PHP regular expressions that any web developer should have in his toolkit.

Getting Started With Regular Expressions

Regular Expression Cheat Sheet R

For many beginners, regular expressions seem to be hard to learn and use. In fact, they're far less hard than you may think. Before we dive deep inside regexp with useful and reusable codes, let's quickly see the basics of PCRE regex patterns:

Regular Expressions Syntax

A regular expression (regex or regexp for short) is a special text string for describing a search pattern. A regex pattern matches a target string. The following table describes most common regex:

Regular ExpressionWill match…
fooThe string 'foo'
^foo'foo' at the start of a string
foo$'foo' at the end of a string
^foo$'foo' when it is alone on a string
[abc]a, b, or c
[a-z]Any lowercase letter
[^A-Z]Any character that is not a uppercase letter
(gif|jpg)Matches either 'gif' or 'jpg'
[a-z]+One or more lowercase letters
[0-9.-]Any number, dot, or minus sign
^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,}$Any word of at least one letter, number or _
([wx])([yz])wy, wz, xy, or xz
[^A-Za-z0-9]Any symbol (not a number or a letter)
([A-Z]{3}|[0-9]{4})Matches three letters or four numbers

PHP Regular Expression Functions

PHP has many useful functions to work with regular expressions. Here is a quick cheat sheet of the main PHP regex functions. Remember that all of them are case sensitive.

For more information about the native functions for PHP regular expressions, have a look at the manual.

preg_match()The preg_match() function searches string for pattern, returning true if pattern exists, and false otherwise.
preg_match_all()The preg_match_all() function matches all occurrences of pattern in string. Useful for search and replace.
preg_replace()The preg_replace() function operates just like ereg_replace(), except that regular expressions can be used in the pattern and replacement input parameters.
preg_split()Preg Split (preg_split()) operates exactly like the split() function, except that regular expressions are accepted as input parameters.
preg_grep()The preg_grep() function searches all elements of input_array, returning all elements matching the regex pattern within a string.
preg_ quote()Quote regular expression characters

Validate a Domain Name

Case sensitive regex to verify if a string is a valid domain name. This is very useful when validating web forms.

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Enlight a Word From a Text

This very useful regular expression will find a specific word in a string and enlight it. Extremely useful for search results. Remember that it's case sensitive.

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Enlight Search Results in Your WordPress Blog

The previous code snippet can be very handy when it comes to displaying search results. If your website is powered by WordPress, here is a more specific snippet that will search and replace a text by the same text within an HTML tag that you can style later, using CSS.

Open your search.php file and find the the_title() function. Replace it with the following:

Now, just before the modified line, add this code:

Save the search.php file and open style.css. Append the following line to it:

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Get All Images From a HTML Document

If you ever wanted to be able to get all images form a webpage, this code is a must have for you. You should easily create an image downloader using the power of cURL.

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Remove Repeated Words (Case Insensitive)

Often repeating words while typing? This handy case insensitive PCRE regex will be very helpful.

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Remove Repeated Punctuation

Same php regex as above, but this one will look for repeated punctuation within a string. Goodbye multiple commas!

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Match a XML/HTML Tag

This simple function takes two arguments: The first is the tag you'd like to match, and the second is the variable containing the XML or HTML. Once again, this can be very powerful used along with cURL.

Match an HTML/XML Tag With a Specific Attribute Value

This function is very similar to the previous one, but it allow you to match a tag having a specific attribute. For example, you could easily match


Match Hexadecimal Color Values

Another interesting tool for web developers! It allows you to match/validate a hexadecimal color value.

Find Page Title

This handy code snippet will find and print the text within the </code> and <code> tags of a HTML page.

Parse Apache Logs

Most websites are running on the Apache webserver. If your website does, you can easily use PHP and regular expressions to parse Apache logs.

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Replace Double Quotes by Smart Quotes

If you're a typography lover, you'll probably love this regex pattern which allow you to replace double quotes by smart quotes. A similar regular expression is used by WordPress to make the content more beautiful.

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Check Password Complexity

This regular expression will tests if the input consists of 6 or more letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
The input must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one digit.

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WordPress: Using Regexp to Retrieve Images From a Post

As I know many of you are WordPress users, you'll probably enjoy that code which allows you to retrieve all images from post content and display it.

To use this code on your blog, simply paste the following code on one of your theme files.

Generate Emoticons Automatically

Another function used by WordPress. This one allow you to automatically replace an emoticon symbol by an image.

broken image